
Abolishing The Electoral College

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The Twelfth Amendment of the Constitution established the electoral college. The founding fathers made the electoral college as a compromise between election of president by congress vote and popular vote of citizens (What is the electoral college). With this system, many incidents where the president hasn’t received majority of the popular vote and still became president has occurred and due to this much controversy around the electoral college has occurred. The most recent incident was the election of 2016 where Donald Trump became president rather than Hillary Clinton; this incident is causing a major upset in America. Due to this many have begun to question the electoral college and its real purpose. Many people want to abolish the electoral …show more content…

The reasoning for that is because the electoral college is outdated (Should the electoral college be abolished). With the constant development of social media and technology it gives America more accessibility to find out about candidates. Many even question why Americans really vote because it seems as if the electoral college makes the real decision. When Americans vote, we vote for the electors. These electors vote for the president, but the electors are not independent, they are for parties therefore they are basis in voting. This system is undemocratic to many people because only twenty-two percent of America is represented (Should the electoral college be abolished). The smaller states and swing states hold most of the voting power which means during the elections attention is only given to about ten states (Colquitt). Abolishing the electoral college can be difficult because it requires a constitutional amendment due to the fact it is enshrined in our constitution (Schlesinger). The electoral college makes it very hard for third parties candidates to participate and win the presidential election (Colquitt). Although, this is how the founding fathers wanted this set up many believe allowing third parties to equally participate would be a great thing and it may even be exactly what America needs …show more content…

The electoral college being abolished is very difficult and this has failed each time someone tired. Keeping the electoral college is also difficult because it has not served its purpose and is outdated. I believe the best answer to this controversial issue is to reform this system, but reforming with the National Popular Vote is not very likely. The National Popular Vote seems impossible because you need small states and you must get votes from every vote. If the national popular vote ever works to will take years and the road elections have taken we need this reform as soon as possible. The main factors needed for the reform is that all states will have a say in how to pick the electoral votes and the size of state shouldn’t matter. States should not be forced to choose a method and no state will feel as if they do not have a say in who represents them. We must ensure voters feel as if their vote matter, they are heard, and considered within the government. A reform will also help with the candidates with the most votes within the popular vote wins the presidential election because we are a country for the people. What the people want is what they should have. A reform will allow for less controversy surrounding the presidential

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