
What Is Aaron Burr Right From Wrong

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Often times if a child is abused or neglected, it will affect their rationality in their adult life. As a result this can lead to a life of crimes and bad decision making. This is proven by the life of Aaron Burr junior. Aaron Burr is known in history as one of the most notorious traitors in history (PBS). What if it was not Burr’s fault? What if Aaron Burr’s mind was unable to comprehend right from wrong because of his unhealthy childhood? All pieces in the timeline leading up to the infamous duel between Hamilton and Burr, are plausible contributors in the murder of Alexander Hamilton, and the attempt of treason.
As an infant, Aaron Burr came close to death twice from severe fevers (Welling). At the age of two, Burr’s parents both …show more content…

Washington resented it, and punished Burr for the rest of his life” (Aaron Burr Association). The 1791 US Senate race brought up a growing enemy for Burr, Alexander Hamilton. When Aaron Burr won the Senate seat from Federalist Philip Schuyler, who happened to be Hamilton’s father-in-law, Hamilton began resenting Aaron Burr for taking the seat. Hamilton started hating Burr for selfish reasons. Burr attempted writing a book on the Revolutionary War, but Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State denied him access of the library. In the presidential election of 1800, Burr tied with Thomas Jefferson who both received 73 electoral votes. Alexander Hamilton repeatedly tried convincing the House of Representatives to elect Jefferson over Burr, on account of Aaron Burr beating Hamilton’s father–in-law for a seat in the Senate (Senate). Hamilton’s scheme works and Burr is elected Vice President, and this is Aaron Burr’s stressor or breaking point. Thomas Jefferson once said, “I never, indeed thought him an honest, frank-dealing man, but considered him as a crooked gun, or other perverted machine, whose aim or stroke you could never be sure of”(Senate). When Burr was Jefferson’s Vice President he could tell that Aaron Burr’s mind was not all there, and Thomas Jefferson knew that Burr could go off at anytime yet no one knew when.
Following the election, Burr grew increasingly angry at the anti-Burr groups forming. Burr

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