
Aaron Burr And Alexander Hamilton: The Levi Weeks Trial

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The body of Elma Sands, a young Quaker woman, was discovered in a well in what is now the SoHo section of Manhattan. Most people believed she was killed by Levi Weeks, one of her suitors. Levi Weeks’ brother, Ezra Weeks, being owed favors by Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton, hired them to defend Levi in his murder trial, compelling the two rivals to overcome their personal differences for a time. Burr and Hamilton were both mostly property lawyers, so they added Brockholst Livingston, a noted criminal lawyer, to their team. After hearing two days of accounts, they were able discredit the prosecution’s witnesses and piece together the defendant’s evening on the night of the murder. They accounted for all but ten minutes. With that information, and despite the public pressure from the lynch mob mentality that had gripped the city, the jury returned a “not guilty” verdict in less than five minutes. The Levi Weeks Trial is the first fully documented murder trial in American history. Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton, intense rivals though they were, worked …show more content…

He is considered the worst Vice-President in our nation’s two-hundred and thirty-nine-year history. He is the man who shot Alexander Hamilton in a duel and conspired to make an empire out of the western territories obtained in the Louisiana Purchase. America does not remember Aaron Burr for being a good man. Aaron Burr, Jr. was born in Newark, New Jersey in 1756 to a family of wealth and strong faith. His grandfather being the great theologian, Jonathan Edwards and his father being Reverend Aaron Burr, Sr., the second president of Princeton University (Isenberg). Recognized for his brilliance and intellect at a very early age, Burr applied for a scholarship to Princeton University at the age of eleven, but was rejected. He applied again in 1769 at age thirteen and entered as a sophomore. In 1773, despite his very pious

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