
APA Code Of Ethics

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Ethics are norms of conduct. In terms of research, ethics are a set of rules that tell researchers what they should and shouldn't do. They exist because researchers might not be objective on whether a study might harm participants, among other things (McBride, 2010). Nuremberg Code

When the second world war ended, the Nuremberg Code was developed. This code, which was created after the horrible experiments done by Nazis came to light, stated that researchers had to follow ten rules (Schuler, 1982).

1. Voluntary consent for participation in an experiment is required.
2. The research should yield fruitful results for the good of society.
3. The results should justify the methods of the study.
4. Researchers must avoid causing unnecessary …show more content…

Researchers should report data accurately and correct errors if they are discovered.

APA Code - Principles

There are three principles that guide the APA Code of ethics. The principles are respect, beneficience, and justice (McBride, 2010).

The first principle involves around the right of consent. Participants must be informed of the parts of the research such as purpose and procedures. If this is not possible, then harm by deception should be reduced. The principle of respect also includes informing participants that they have the right to withdraw from an experiment and to ask questions about the study.

The second principle, which is beneficience, revolves around reducing the risks of harm. This means stopping a study if necessary, that results must outweight possible harmful outcomes, and inhumane treatment should never be acceptable. The last principle is justice. This refers to every participant receiving an equal opportunity of obtaining the benefits of the study and to not selecting a certain group for harmful research.

Institutional Review …show more content…

As mentioned before, researcher have to accurately report results. In addition, the concept of plagiarism is a critical factor in psychological research. Everything has to be given proper citation, from quotes to tables used.

Violating the ethical guidelines

Not adhering to the guidelines can have serious consequences. For example, Woo Suk Hwang falsely stated that he had been able to clone human stem cells (Bhattacharya, 2006). He now faces criminal charges in South Korea and has permantly damaged his career (McBride, 2010).

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American Pyschological Association. (n.d.) Research with animals in psychology. Retrieved from

American Psychological Association. (n.d.) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. Retrieved December 7, 2015, from

Bhattacharya, S. (2006). Hwang faked all research on human stem cells. New Scientist, 10. Retrieved from

McBride, D. (2010). The process of research in psychology. Los Angeles:

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