
A Short Note On Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Satisfactory Essays

Sherene Phinizy
535 Excelsior Avenue
Croydon Pa 19021

I am applying to the MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I am a good listener as well as an overall thinker. I normally have a knack for taking a problem, looking at it then figuring out the best way to solve it. My goal is to enter into a field that would enhance those skills as well as help others. I would like to assist others in working out their issues so that they can move on from any situation with a successful mindset. I do believe that others need help working through things that hinder or cause a disruption in their daily functions. I am a cancer survivor and when I was in the hospital I could not do a thing for myself. I was bedridden for a month. A social worker came in the door and sat with me to figure out the best way to help me. I then realized two things. The first one was that people sometimes need help to solve their problems and I needed a job that was not too physical. Help is not a bad thing to need especially if it is done in a way to help you better yourself. A human being needs someone to talk to or show them a way that they cannot see at the time.
I was greatly influenced by my battle with cancer. I was very young at the time and my life was just beginning. I had only been out of high school for a year. I would have never have thought I would need my mother as much as I did. I was at the age when I was supposed to be finding myself and my independence. At nineteen I was as helpless as a

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