
A Rose For Emily Setting Essay

Decent Essays

There are different components that come to play when writing a good story, amongst those, setting is considered one of the most important and significant. Settings refer to time, place, social and religious environment that permits the reader to understand the characters better. In the case of William Faulkner’s story “A rose for Emily” and James Joyce’s “Eveline” settings is crucial, because the readers would not understand the characters reactions and action without first, through settings, get a grasp of their way of life. These two stories have many differences and similarities in their settings, the main purpose of this essay is to distinguish and explain those similarities and differences. A rose for Emily is set in Mississippi, in a little town where Miss Emily no longer have any family. She lives alone, recluse from the community with her one and only servant Tobe. Miss Emily’s family were rich folks, and she did not have to worry about money, she did not have to work. It is our understanding that the community that she resides in is episcopal, because it has been mentioned in the text that: “Miss Emily's people were Episcopal….” What we notice also about that story is …show more content…

Emily’s father did not find any guy worthy of his daughter: “…all the young men her father had driven away…” and it’s the same for Eveline the guy she has feelings for, her father forbid her to see him. Both women are lonely and miserable, always looking through the windows, hiding from the world. They both thought that they would find love, but Eveline left Frank at the deck, compelled to remain with her abusive father and rejects the possibility of love and escape through elopement. On the other hand, Emily remains in her family home, killing the only man that she loved so he would not leave her. She stays isolated until her death reveals the depth and twisted passion of her

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