
A Rose For Emily Setting Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

The story “A Rose for Emily,” is set in Jefferson, Mississippi throughout the 1930s, which was deep in the post-Civil War South. The various leveled administration of the Griersons and the general class arrangement of the time where by statute of the chairman Colonel Sartoris, a Negro lady couldn't walk the road without an apron, had changed into a place where even the road on which Miss Emily lived, that had once been the most select, had now been infringed and obliterated, her home a blemish among blemishes. Both the town and herself, now looked upon Miss Emily as the main leftover of that more prominent time. This reality gives the reader a comprehension of the outlook of the "town," who is describing Miss Emily's story to us in what we could say is a gossiping circle, where stories of different townspeople are sorted out and of Miss Emily, the protagonist who lived alone with the exception of her solitary servant. The activities of Miss Emily extend from unusual to crazy yet it is the readers comprehension of the setting that keep the …show more content…

The townspeople appear to be strangely intrigued with Miss Emily as a relic of a more established time. They have placed her in an uncommon position among the others and have not kept up any direct contact with her. They are also still curious even after her passing about the mystery of her. This could be credited to the way that as the circumstances are transforming, they require somebody to reestablish or maintain their southern pride or loftiness and as she is a Grierson, she is their lone connection to that past. They even willingly volunteer to adjust her errors by calling her cousins while she was with Homer. They felt that she was setting a terrible example and in light of the fact that she was supposed to be of a higher class and act as such with a certain level of dignity they felt the need to mend her moral standing for

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