
A Rose For Emily Critical Analysis

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William Faulkner uses A Rose for Emily to tell a story about a mentally ill, lonely woman who is stuck in her own time . After the passing of her controlling father, which occurred 30 years ago, Miss Emily never quite regained herself. Her house, that once used to be the most beautiful place, became one of the most run down, dust covered places in the city. Within the town that Emily belonged, people began to pity her soul and gossip about her life of disaster. Homer Barron, a man who works on construction of sidewalks, begins to date Emily and comes into her life to try to save her from self- destruction.They begin to spend a lot of time together to get to know one another but the people of the town continuously nag Emily due to social class issues but it doesn't stay this way for long. Miss Emily is seen less and less with Mr.Barron and is caught at a local drug store buying arsenic. After a while, Homer is never seen again, and at the age of seventy-four Miss Emily dies. After her death, people of the city remember a room in her house that hasn't been seen for 40 years, and their superstition arises. They end up breaking down the door to discover Homer`s dead, decaying body and another imprint of a body beside his, with a single strand of iron- grey hair. A Rose for Emily reveals a series of events that are open to interpretation. WIthin these series of events, the story begins to open the idea of old versus new and tradition versus progress through, symbols, Emily`s

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