
9/11 Short Paragraph

Decent Essays

Our country has been through many tragedies and devastations over the years, but nothing could prepare us for the horrific event that took place on September 11, 2001 in New York City. A series of four terrorist attacks by Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda left the world shaken. Everyone helplessly watched as commercial airlines crashed into the North and South World Trade Centers. The collision left scorching flames, dense smoke, and a gaping hole in the side of the buildings. During that time, thousands of cries for mercy for mercy could be heard along with the silent heartbreaks of millions across the world. As seconds minutes passed by, hundreds more were killed due to smoke inhalation, significant burns, and even suicide. Soon, the temperature …show more content…

Two airplanes crashed into the two twin towers in New York City, one slammed into the west side of the Pentagon military headquarters, and the last one crashed into a rural field in Pennsylvania. It was believed that the fourth plane’s intended target was the White House or the Capitol. At 8:45 a.m. the first plane hit the North Tower, instantly killing hundreds and trapping hundreds and trapping hundreds on higher floors. At 9:03 a.m. a second plane struck the South Tower. Minutes later, the buildings collapsed, one after another, leaving heat and debris to billow throughout the city. The temperature could be felt miles away and the suffocating debris was impossible to withstand. People were covered from head to toe with ashes and dying from its effects to the body. It was our darkest hour and we could only turn towards each other for a helping hand and shoulder to cry on. The steady, serene debris continued to fall and darkness filled the sky. Time seemed to slow down, and we felt hopeless, for there was nothing we could do to bring back the thousands of lives taken …show more content…

9/11 was one of America’s most devastating attacks. The world had stopped to many, and it was also the blackest day in America. Around three thousand people died as a result of the attack. Debrid from the buildings covered the city after the collapsed. People were covered from head to toe in ashes, relying on each other in this time of need. Rescuers scoured about the city in search of survivors and even casualties, resulting in the death of many of the first responders. After the attack, the National September 11 Memorial and Museum was planned to commemorate those who lost their lives. 9/11 was a horrific event in history that will, hopefully, be investigated to find the true reason behind the attacks. This has only raised more questions than answers. However, we continue to mourn their death and celebrate their lives. We shall never

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