
9/11 Memorial History

Decent Essays

New York: 9/11 Memorial and Museum: This memorial and museum of 9/11 was my favorite site in New York and it also taught me a few life lessons. When you first walk up to the sight there are these two breathtaking fountains in the shape of the square buildings that use to stand straight up. Then around the squared fountains the names of all the victims are written. Just by looking at the fountains it taught me the first lesson, to never take life for granted no matter the situation. Realizing that the victims arose that morning not realizing that it would be their last morning getting out of bed, it disturbs and rattles you a bit. When I sat back and just watched the water flow in the middle of the fountain, it truly hit me that these were all …show more content…

The Amish are people who believe in Christ but have strict rules in their style of living, which is quite different from the modern society today. They live in a city in Philadelphia called Lancaster County, it is a very country style due to the acres of land each house has, the barn houses, and the animals. The uniqueness of their lifestyle to me is how they live in the world where technology is practically taking over every aspect, but they continue to stick to their beliefs and not change anything. To me it’s difficult to comprehend due to the fact that you can’t live like that in a majority of the cities today since technology is widely known. This is part of the reason why they live in their city far away in the middle of Philadelphia and have kept all their traditional ways. Part of the Amish belief is their separation from electricity since electricity is part of the “outside” world. They are not able to watch tv, have any public utility line running to their houses, or operate automobiles. It just blew my mind sitting there listening to how they live and how they follow all these guidelines in their life. For me it was different, but it intrigued me for some odd reason, just the fact that they have family time with no interruption, and dinner time with no distractions. Those two aspects alone bring families much closer and to me all the families in the world have become detached from true family time. Seeing their lifestyle and hearing all the guidelines they follow make me think of life without technology and how it would change our

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