
1.2 Explain How To Develop A Food Setting

Satisfactory Essays

In our crèche we are not provide the meal and snacks. Parents bring snacks and drinks for their children. In this section I would like to describe how successfully develop food policy for settings.
First we have to create ‘General Information’, where we have to type the name of the setting, the member of staff responsible for the food policy and the date the food policy is implemented. To help successfully develop food policy, we have to follow the School Food Trust step by step guide. In Section 1 we have to explain the ‘’Setting aim’’ through the food policy, for example well-being of children and their families. Next paragraph is ‘’Mission statement’’ where we have to explain how aim links with EYFS, especially the welfare requirements for food and drink and other policies, e.g. Healthy Child Programme. Next paragraph is ‘’Development and realization of the food policy’’, here we are describing how we are engaged with staff, parents, carers and children. In other paragraph we have to write when and who the policy applies to, for example to staff and parents, describe to food prepared by settings, to food brought from home and food provided at events and on trips. We must be sure that everyone who it applies to is aware of it.
In Section 2 we have to describe about ‘’Drink and food provision’’, for example how children have access to get fresh drinking water all time; about the types, amounts and …show more content…

In this section we show how you plan to evaluate your approach to food and drink provision throughout the setting and review the food policy. For example: using the Code of Practice Checklist to evaluate the setting’s approach to food and drink provision, feedback from parents, carers, keeping up to date with current good practice on meeting the welfare requirements for food and drink, regularly review staff training, reviewing the food policy at least once a

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