Psych of Gender Quiz



Metropolitan State University Of Denver *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Ch. 6 1. Which of the following is an example of a benevolent attitude toward men? a. beliefs that men ought to be cared for domestically by women 2. According to ______ members of low-status groups are motivated to endorse beliefs that legitimize their own low status out of a need to view the hierarchy as fair. a. system justification theory 3. Which of the following pieces of evidence has been found in support of sex ratio theory? a. . Men show more relationship commitment when they outnumber women. 4. “It is not a problem if some people have more of a chance at life than others” is an example of an item used to measure ______. a. social dominance orientation 5. Which of the following groups is most likely to encounter harassment in the workplace? a. women of color 6. ______ power manifests by shaping how society operates in determining which groups of people have access to resources a. Structural 7. Which of the following groups is most likely to be targeted with benevolent sexism? a. Homemakers 8. Women are accurate at predicting whether or not they would speak up when encountering gender discrimination. a. False 9. It is easier to identify benevolent sexism as sexism than hostile sexism. a. false 10. The belief that women use their gender to their advantage and complain about sexism when they are outperformed is an example of hostile sexism. a. True 11. System justification theory posits that only people in positions of high power and status are motivated to justify the sociopolitical system in which they reside. a. False 12. ______ sexism consists of subjectively positive and well-intentioned beliefs about women and their importance that also portray women as weak and in need of a. Benevolent 13. ______ refers to the difficulty people have in attributing negative treatment to discrimination where other possible explanations are present.
a. Attributional ambiguity 14. ______ is treatment based solely on one’s sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity. a. Gender discrimination 15. What is an exception to the general pattern of men’s greater resource control? a. child custody 16.______ encourage(s) members of subordinate groups to accept their own lower status. For example, women who appreciate the benefits of protection and chivalry that their female status earns them. a. Cultural ideologies 17.There is some disagreement over which part of the definition of sexism? a. whether groups with greater structural power (i.e., men) can be targets of sexism 18.Just as people hold ambivalent attitudes toward women, people also hold benevolent and hostile attitudes toward men. a. True 19.. If you ask someone to imagine a gay person, they will most likely picture someone who is White and male. a. True Chapter 7 1. Larger sex differences in reading ability tend to emerge in countries with greater gender equality. a. True 2. Boys consistently outperform girls when it comes to school math grades. a. false 3. Children of parents with math anxiety are more likely to exhibit math anxiety themselves, but only if their parents frequently help them with their homework. a. True 4. Men and women do not differ significantly in average levels of general intelligence. a. True 5. Which of the following is evidence for a nurture explanation of sex differences in spatial ability? a. Boys tend to play more games that involve hand eye coordination than girls do.. 6. What best summarizes the evidence on sex differences in verbal ability?
a. Sex differences are small, tend to favor girls, and depend upon type of verbal ability. 7. Roberts (1991) presented evidence that men are more likely than women to respond to feedback by ______. a. ignoring negative comments and focusing on the positive ones 8. What best describes what the bulk of research shows regarding sex differences in general mental ability? a. small differences that do not consistently favor particular sex 9. Overall, meta-analyses suggest sex differences favoring girls and women on test of most ______ abilities and sex differences favoring boys and men on tests of most ______ abilities. a. verbal; spatial 10. Women seeking success in STEM often disproportionately face what additional responsibility compared to men? a. household labor 11. ______ is the general capacity to understand ideas, think abstractly, reason, solve problems, and learn. a. Intelligence 12. Which of the following shows moderate to large sex differences favoring boys/men? a. spatial ability 13.On average, women’s STEM careers are more impacted than men’s by family household responsibilities. a. True 14.Of all cognitive domains, ______ performance shows the greatest variability in sex differences from culture to culture. a. Math 15.Which of the following spatial abilities does not show the typical male advantage? a. spatial memory 16.While the average performance of adolescent boys on ______ in the United States exceeds the girls, girls consistently outperform boys when it comes to ______. a. standardized math tests; school math grades Quiz 8 1. In general, sex differences in nonverbal behaviors are fairly consistent with gender role stereotypes and expectations. a. True
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