Week 1 DQ 1



Grand Canyon University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Apr 30, 2024





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Review the HIPAA regulations on the Health and Human Services website. In your own words, where do you think laws, ethics, and values come from? What are your concerns about not violating HIPAA regulations? Give an example of when you can be lawful, but unethical. In my opinion, I feel laws, ethics and values were put into place for control. But I do understand laws are mandatory and having a value system is beneficial to any person’s wellbeing. Laws are in place to protect everyone’s natural rights, while maintain order. With laws there can be legal and illegal. But with ethics, it can be legal and unethical or illegal and unethical and finally, ethical, and illegal. Values are your beliefs. “Moral Values are not as clear cut as black and white. Reaching a universal decision on what values to follow has been an ongoing humane struggle” (Dovidio, Sommer-Flanagan, Jones & Vietze, 2020) . They can be influenced by your culture or heritage, Doing right or wrong. Being good or bad. You can tell a lot by what someone values. The best example I can think of is someone dropped a nice bulk of cash on the sidewalk. There is no one around, but I pick up the money and spend it. It is legal because I did not steal it, but it is unethical because it was mines. I am very familiar with HIPAA, as I have worked with other information for years. I am very intuitive, feeling everything deeply. When I take on the task of helping someone, I take on everything physically, mentally, and emotionally. This helps me to truly assist them. I will more than likely, break HIPAA, by trying to help someone and end up accessing their records with out the proper permissions. For example, I can hear someone in the hallway saying, “Oh, I need help, and no one is assisting me”. I will try to collect their information and find a way to reach out and help. I am a natural investigator, and it is not to harm anyone, but to see how I can assist them. But the way the I get the information can be against HIPAA. Dovidio, J., Sommer-Flanagan, R., Jones, J., & Vietze, D. (2020). Ethics and Cultural Diversity in Mental Health & Wellness (p. 16). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. A moment of unethical happenings but completely legal is, I do not have many concerns about violating HIPAA A legal but unethical example is the death penalty. In America there are many states that support the death penalty. But there is a certain percentage of individuals that find it unethical. The reason I find it unethical, is because I do not have the right to take someone’s life. Or Physician assistant suicide, this is legal in a few states, but viewed as unethical. I can stand by this as I support Physician based suicide. If someone quality of life will only deteriorate, why not allow them to before it reaches that point. Unethical and Illegal, sleeping with a minor. This is illegal and unethical in many parts of the world, as the child does not have the competency to consent to the relationship.
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