Airline assignment



University of California, Riverside *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school




Information Systems


Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by brokeboi44856 on

Airline assignment 1. What was the data problem? The data problem discussed in the article was a “glitch in the data system” where in the final payment, the customer was only charged the taxes for that flight rather than the full price of the ticket. The problem kind of occureed but not really. The data problem occurred with the third- party search engine that caused customers to get a “bargain.” 2. What would be a solution to stop the problem from happening again? I think the first step would be to check and verify the internal controls for that third party which supplied the data system. More specifically, the third party might need to invest in more software engineers to secure their system and spruce up their own internal controls to reduce the glitches in their system. 3. What is the lasting problem with what happened? The lasting problem with what happened is that Etihad might have lost potential customers. Even though the glitch occurred in the third-party search engine, Etihad will incur most of the effects because Etihad is one that canceled the “mistake fare” tickets.
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