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Apr 3, 2024




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: One-Page Respon Attempt 1 Eventually leading to the war's end, the Tet Offensive became a crucial turning point. Against the North Vietnamese government, which was an ally of the United States, the plan was carried out by communist Viet Cong and North Vietnamese soldiers. It was the American government's Tet Offensive that exposed the brutality of war to all of its citizens. At the time, the US president made the decision to broadcast the Vietnam War. Nevertheless, the presentation solely showed what America was doing and was done from a biased viewpoint. Despite the fact that this was a reaction to the Tet Offensive, US citizens lost trust in the military and optimism. This is what caused the political climate to change in favor of North Vietnam and cause the loss of support. The primary cause of this loss of faith was that American folks were unaccustomed to war and the horrific nature of the event. Although the US ultimately prevailed in the fight, their own people's lack of support meant that they would ultimately lose. The communists were deeply disappointed that the covert Tet Offensive attempt was unsuccessful. Because the attack was kept under wraps, miscommunication played a major role in its failure. The US government's decision to film the war and its inevitable consequences were the key causes of the loss of political support. The biased viewpoint significantly weakened American government backing and effected a change in favor of North Vietnam. Work Cited "Tet Offensive.” Texas Tech University Vietnam Center and Archive, www.vietnam.ttu.edu/exhibits/Tet68/. Accessed 18 Feb. 2024. Moise, Edwin E. "The Vietnam Wars." Clemson University, www.edmoise.sites.clemson.edu/viet8.html. Accessed 18 Feb. 2024. Comments Files (1) Rubric R & N =0 Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox
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