Topic 1 DQ 1



Grand Canyon University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Topic 1 DQ 1 Grade: 5/5 Instructors’ comments: Great work! Excellent start to the semester! Compare and contrast hunting- versus agricultural-based tribes. How did each respond to European incursions on their lands? Using specific details, which group was better suited to sustain this significant change? (See Map 1.2 – Native America Nations of North America HIST 5). If you belonged to a hunting-based tribes then your life consisted of constant travel, following the food where it moved and migrated to throughout the year. This area was typical of today’s mid-America states where they hunted mostly bison. According to the textbook they lived in semi-sedentary agricultural villages and would have hunting parties. They also did not produced things like pottery or baskets. An agricultural base tribe depended on both farming and hunting lifestyle. This could help some tribes to stay longer in certain areas creating communities and the ability to trade with other tribes. According to the textbook the agricultural tribes typically lived along the northeast area of todays America states like Massachusetts down to Florida and some southern areas as well. In most of the tribes, the women would stay at the camp and tended to the crops while the men did most of the hunting and fighting. I would think that the agricultural tribes probably would be the best to show the European settlement how to live and prosper. Living in an agricultural life gives you the ability to stay in one area and grow your colonies. Having the ability to grow food to sustain life throughout the year. Learning how to make communities to trade with on items that you can make, I feel would be the best way. Native tribes had mixture of both acceptance and of hate of the new settlers. Wanting to share food and help the new settlers how to crop the land and in exchange for trade in weapons to help defend themselves against other tribes. American could easily turn against them and that was what they hated the most. According to the textbook the Powhatan Confederacy did help some of the first settlers. Their leader Powhatan felt they could be allies who would exchange food for weapons. Although, when the crops were scares there was violence between the Virginians and the Powhatan’s. Once Powhatan died, his successor did not see the same view on the settlement which caused a big loss of settlers and created more hostile relationships between the settlers and the Indian tribes. The Wampanoag was another tribe that saw settlers as an opportunity for trading purposes. They made allies with the settlement in exchange for protection against other rival tribes. Once this agreement was made, they had their first harvest festival, which now is the symbol of what we call Thanksgiving. Later, as different settlements grew, and new generations of native Americans were of age, there was more conflict with the European settlement. Tired of the treatment from the settlers. Their lands being taken away, family being slaved, and losing the trading exchange. This ultimately resulted in many wars with the native Americans. References: Schultz, K. (2018). HIST 5 . Cengage. URL:
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