PhysioEx Exercise 5 Activity 4



San Diego State University *

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Health Science


Apr 3, 2024





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Printable/Saveable Version Print/Save as Back PhysioEx Lab Report Exercise 5: Cardiovascular Dynamics Activity 4: Studying the E ff ect of Blood Pressure on Blood Flow Rate Name: Emily Delavega, kyla Samavatian, sydnee oshiro Date: 19 March 2024 Session ID: session-97eed5a6-c91e-0457-fbc6-8814ab310b10 Pre-lab Quiz Results You scored 0% by answering 0 out of 4 questions correctly. Experiment Results Predict Questions Stop & Think Question Experiment Data Flow (ml/min) Radius (mm) Viscosity Length (mm) Pressure (mm Hg) 35.0 5.0 3.5 50 25 70.1 5.0 3.5 50 50 105.1 5.0 3.5 50 75 140.2 5.0 3.5 50 100 175.2 5.0 3.5 50 125 210.3 5.0 3.5 50 150 245.3 5.0 3.5 50 175 280.4 5.0 3.5 50 200 Post-lab Quiz Results You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly. Review Sheet Results Pressure changes in the cardiovascular system primarily result from You did not answer this question. Correct answer: changes in the force of contraction of the heart. 1 What is the driving force for blood ow? You did not answer this question. Correct answer: pressure gradient. 2 Which of the following is directly proportional to blood ow? You did not answer this question. Correct answer: blood vessel radius and pressure gradient. 3 Arteries close to the heart need to be able to compensate for You did not answer this question. Correct answer: pressure changes. 4 Predict Question 1: What e ff ect do you think increasing the pressure will have on the uid ow rate? Your answer: The uid ow rate will increase. 1 Predict Question 2: Do you think a graph plotted with pressure on the X-axis and ow rate on the Y-axis will be linear (a straight line)? Your answer: yes. 2 This experiment uses pressure changes to model You correctly answered: changes in the force of contraction of the heart. 1 The e ff ect of increasing pressure was to You correctly answered: increase ow rate. 1 Blood pressure is measured in You correctly answered: mm Hg. 2 Which of the following variables has the greatest e ff ect on blood ow? You correctly answered: vessel radius. 3 Blood ow is measured in You correctly answered: ml/min. 4 Explain the e ff ect that pressure changes had on ow rate. How well did the results compare with your prediction? You did not answer this question. 1 How does the plot di ff er from the plots for tube radius, viscosity, and tube length? How well did the results compare with your prediction? You did not answer this question. 2 Explain why pressure changes are not the best way to control blood ow. You did not answer this question. 3 Use your data to calculate the increase in ow rate in ml/min/mm Hg. You did not answer this question. 4
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