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Health Science


Dec 6, 2023





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Unit 5 TEACHING AND LEARNING Learning Objectives Upon completion of this unit of instruction, the student will be able to: 1. Describe the purpose and goals of patient education. 2. Describe the teaching-learning process. 3. Discuss factors that can affect patient learning. 4. Describe the concept of health literacy and the importance of assessing learner’s health literacy 5. Name, define, and give one example of each of Bloom’s three domains of learning. Describe the steps of the nursing process for creating a plan of care for patient education, including assessment of learner needs, strategies for motivating learners, therapeutic communication techniques and supporting compliance to the plan of care. 7. Discuss different teaching methods for patient and caregiver education. Describe methods for evaluating the outcomes of teaching and learning. Discuss the role of the nurse as counselor. 10. Describe the purpose and steps of discharge planning for the acute care patient. 11. Describe the stages of the Health Promotion Model. 12. Describe the benefits of health promotion. Content Outline l. Purpose and Goals of Patient Education Il. Concepts of Teaching and Learning [l Factors Affecting Learning A. Age/Developmental Level B. Support and Financial Resources C. Culture and Language V. Health Literacy V. Domains of Learning A. Cognitive B. Psychomotor C. Affective VI. Nursing Process for Patient Education A. Assessment 1. Learning Needs 2. Motivation and Compliance B. Nursing diagnosis C. Planning/Implementation 1. Teaching Methods NUR 1410 27 2023-2024 (Revised Summer 2023)
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