

New Jersey Institute Of Technology *

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Computer Science


Feb 20, 2024





Uploaded by BarristerMetal13349 on coursehero.com

1. Following the style of Practice Problem 3.1 (page.182), assume the following values are stored at the indicated memory addresses and registers: Addres s Valu e - - Registe r Value 0x1000 0xAA - - %rdi 0x100 0 0x1004 0xBB - - %rsi 0x1 0x1008 0xCC - - %rdx 0x2 0x100C 0xD D - - %rcx 0x4 Fill in the following table showing the values for the indicated operands: Operand Value %rdi 0x100 0 0x1004 0xBB $0x1008 0x100 8 (%rdi) 0xAA 4(%rdi) 0xBB 8(%rdi,%rcx) 0xDD 0x1002(%rdx, %rcx) 0xCC -4(%rdi,%rsi,4) 0xAA (%rdi,%rdx,4) 0xCC
2 .Using the Address and Register table in Problem 1, fill in the table below showing the values for the indicated operands (similar to Practice Problem 3.8 of page 194): Instruction Destinatio n Value addq (%rdi),%rsi %rsi 0x100 1 andq %rsi,%rdi %rdi 0x00 subq %rsi,(%rdi) 0x1000 0xA9 incq %rsi %rsi 0x2 decq %rdx %rdx 0x1 xorq (%rdi,%rdx,4),%rcx %rcx 0x100 C orq 0x1002(%rdx,%rcx), %rsi %rsi 0xCE 3 For the unknown assembly shown below, fill in the missing return statement in the C function unknown. unknown: imulq %rdx, %rsi leaq (%rsi,%rdi), %rax 8. ret long unknown(long x, long y, long z) { return __ (x+y) + z __________________________; } unknown: movq %rdi, %rax salq $3, %rax addq %rdi, %rax ret long unknown(long x) { return ___8x+x_________________________; }
4 Do problem 3.58 which says "Write C code for the assembly shown in the problem." #include <stdio.h> long decode2 (long, long, long); int main(){ long x,y,z,n; printf("\nEnter the value of x:"); scanf("%1ld",&x); printf(" "); printf(" \nEnter the value of y:"); scanf("%1ld",&y); printf ("\nEnter the value of z:"); scanf("%1ld",&z); n=decode2(x,y,z);
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