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Feb 20, 2024





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1.2.4. Histology Follow along as you read 1.2.4 in your PLTW Textbook Complete all sections, in your own words . Piece of Mind (all answers are found under this section heading in the text) What is histology? Study of Cells Why is histology important? Histology is important in medical examinations because it lets histologists to examine tissues for specific characteristics that can provide valuable insights into an individual's health, disease, or cause of death. Describe what the medical examiner found during their autopsy of Anna’s body. Be sure to also add this evidence to your autopsy report. The medical examiner found an open wound on Anna's forehead, measuring 1 inch across, 0.5 inches wide, and 1/4 inches deep, along with a bruise above her right eyebrow during the autopsy. These findings raised concerns about potential brain damage or injury that needed further investigation and examination of Anna's brain tissues. Gross Anatomy (scroll down to #3 under the heading above to find the answers for this section) The Nervous System Identify each picture as to whether it shows the CNS or the PNS. Describe each next to the picture. Label the 3 main organs of the nervous system. PNS: Nerves: Transmit information from the outside world and from within the body to the central nervous system for processing. CNS: Brain: Responsible for various functions, including cognition, sensory perception, and motor control. Spinal Cord: Transmits signals between the brain and the rest of the body.
Lobes of the Brain (this is found at #4) Double click on the brain to color code the 4 lobes of the brain . Create a legend & color code the corresponding boxes accordingly. In each of the 4 boxes, briefly describe the function of that lobe. Frontal lobe- This lobe is responsible for various higher cognitive functions, including reasoning, problem-solving, emotions, and motor skills. Parietal Lobe- The parietal lobe processes sensory information from the body, such as touch, pressure, temperature, and pain. It plays a key role in spatial awareness and perception. Temporal lobe- The temporal lobe is involved in auditory processing, memory, and the interpretation of sounds and language. It also plays a role in visual perception. Occipital Lobe - The occipital lobe is primarily responsible for visual processing, including interpreting visual information from the eyes. A Gross Examination of Anna’s Brain Explain what a gross exam is inspecting all of the organs, describing and measuring the tissue, taking fingerprints, obtaining tissue for histology. Also, ordering CT or MRI scans for the brain, and different body List the 2 methods used in performing a gross exam of a brain during an autopsy 1) MRI This is found under terminology under the section heading “A Gross Examination of Anna’s Brain in the text. List & briefly describe the 2 kinds of brain injuries we’re searching for in this
parts. 2) Cross-sectioning the brain to observe it activity. 1)TBI:Brain dysfunction caused by an outside force, usually a violent blow to the head. 2) CTE:a progressive, degenerative condition involving brain damage resulting from multiple episodes of head trauma MRIs: Label each MRI result below as normal control, TBI or CTE (This is found at #7) TBI CTE Normal Control Cross Sections: Label each cross section result below as normal control, TBI or CTE (This is found at #7) CTE Normal Control CBI View the MRI & cross section of Anna’s brain. (Click on this link to view the images) Record your observations & initial conclusion about Anna based on macroscopic viewing of her nervous tissues. She had a TBI on the top of her head as well as near the bottom. From this ingo, i believe anna was hit by something or hit her head on something leading to her death Histological Exams
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