
Why Did The United States Win The Vietnam War?

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The Vietnam war, which occurred November 1, 1955 – April 30, 1975, was a major loss for the American armed forces. Under the presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and finally Nixon; we fought alongside South Vietnam against North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, the communist regime. Though some may believe that through the strategy of Vietnamization that the United States escaped the blunder of defeat, American blood was lost in this war and the United States, while they were trying at the beginning, lost the steam to power through the war as the public began to strongly protest the war that some believed we had no business in. These protests, the Pentagon papers and, the Tet Offensive lead to the fact that yes; America did lose the Vietnam …show more content…

Protests of Anti-war among other ones, like those organized by the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), started to bring in more people into the cause. Widening their sphere of influence and power they held against the choices of the government to press on. This battle helped even more when the civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. publicly spoke out against the war. Their cause peaked in influence during 1968 after the Tet Offensive showed the American people that the United states was nowhere near close to ending, and that the end of the war was not coming soon for the American people. The Pentagon Papers, the name given to a secret study done by the Department of Defense, showed the military and political involvement of the United States in the Vietnam war between the years of 1945 to 1967.As the war continued and dragged on, the U.S. presence in a militaristic aspect grew to be 500,000 troops by 1968, as this continued and lives were lost the military analyst Daniel Ellsberg (worked on the study as well) started to go against the war. …show more content…

Even though North Vietnam sustained heavy loses within their forces, they achieved a strategic victory with this aggressive Tet Offensive. It showed the American people that we were nowhere close to winning and served as a turning point in the Vietnam War. Which would be followed by the slow withdrawal of American troops from the region. All of things considered, it should be evident that the American military and people suffered a loss in the form of the Vietnam war. With public protest withering away the support for the war, the Pentagon Papers revealing the truth of the war to the American people, and the Tet Offensive serving as a decisive victory for North Vietnam and the Viet Cong. The proof is overwhelming for the fact that America did lose, and though we did withdraw our troops we still lost many, and if the Vietnam war did not end in a victory for these troops then it was a defeat, a loss, we were vanquished. Those who oppose this must have forgotten the American blooded spilled to, in the end, withdraw our troops. So yes, the Vietnam War was a defeat for

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