
Terrorism : The Root Causes Of Terrorism In The United States

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Terrorism is a massive problem--everybody realizes that. Regardless of origin, culture, country, or political standpoint, every sane person understands that terrorism is something that is still relatively prevalent in the world, and something needs to be done about it. The problem, however, is that there is no easy solution. The United States tends to take overbearing control and responsibility for all terrorist threats, groups, and attacks, but this is simply not reasonable. Although we cannot expect every country to take initiative against terrorist threats like ISIS, sustained international coordination is necessary to effectively confront transnational terrorist groups (Shirkey). This way, the US can begin taking care of themselves and their own country, as they still have many issues that have yet to be solved. While working together is important, though, it is not the key to solving the problem. What we must do in addition is investigate and address the root causes of terrorism, and analyse them in detail in order to best combat terrorist groups at their roots. Up until now, the world, and the United States specifically, has used brute-force tactics to combat terrorism, and to put it simply: it isn’t working. It is widely believed that the US even could have created and/or provoked terrorist groups like ISIS. For many years, the US has sent and stationed large groups in countries like Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and Syria in order to “minimize” potential

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