
Stereotypes In Mean Girls

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The movie Mean Girls is rated PG-13. It was published in 2004 and is a teen and comedy film. Mean Girls is about a teenage girl named Cady who was homeschooled in Africa and recently moves to Illinois. She decides to go to highschool and becomes a part of a group of girls called the “mean girls”. They are a popular group who tend to fit their name. Cady is stuck between being friends with the popular girls or the geeks. She pretends to just be friends with the popular girls to ruin their lives so she does not lose her other friends. That turned into a pretty big mess but it really has an important message at the end. That being popular does not matter. In the end Cady apologizes for all the people she hurt and admits to doing wrong. It does have some language and behavior meant for a more mature audience. It was rated a go for violence because there is absolutely no violence in it, but a caution for language and some content. …show more content…

It can be offending to some people and I personally do not agree with everything in this movie. For example the thought that popular girls are all mean and only care about themselves. That could offend some girls. Another stereotype was that smart people are uncool and nerds. It was seen as bad to hangout with the nerds and it would damage your social profile. I think that is very wrong and all people deserve to be friends with who they want. I also think that a nerd is a little offending and I am sure some smarter people who watched this were offended too. The last stereotype I found is that girls are always the popular mean ones. I have seen mean guys too and a lot of people just think it is only girls. This could really offend anyone because we have all seen that you do not have to be a girl in order to be mean or bully people which a lot of movies show. There were some stereotypes often shows in this movie but I still think this movie was good and these did not ruin my enjoyment if the

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