
Police Legitimacy Research Paper

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Several methods of research were utilized in collecting the data including from the study by Braga et al. (2014), in which participants were attained through a survey research firm, viewed three random videos involving encounters between police and citizens. They would then determine the appropriateness of the police interactions through a questionnaire. The questionnaire included questions related to police effectiveness in their neighborhood, fear of crime, and any prior crime victimization. Durose, (2013, pg. 7) recorded that in 2011, households that had already been interviewed by the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) were requested to participate in the supplemental Police-Public Contract Survey (PPCS), which is conducted every …show more content…

Of the 62,280 individuals who participated in the NCVS, more than half, 49,246 completed the PPCS. The survey went into greater details in regards to police behavior, response, and contact time. The purpose of the study was to demonstrate whether the public was satisfied with interaction with police officers as well as the outcome of the requested police assistance. In a qualitative approach to research on police legitimacy, Harkins (2015, p. 602) provided a better historical background into specific relationship between police officers and citizens than what had previously been discovered in police legitimacy research. The research included the observation of police-public consultation forums, constructed to help create new community policing policies, and the consecutive interviewing of over 40 participants. The author found legitimacy varies a lot within the police, judgments of the police are often not based on personal or direct encounters, and that views on the police can often the imported from other territories and nations (Harkin, 2015, p. 602). Koster et. al. (2017, p. 205) used their study to build on prior research in three ways. Firstly, it expands upon a victim’s perception of procedural justice by including observations of police performance and how they

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