
Physical Abuse In Health And Social Care

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When in a health and social care environment the service providers need to make sure service that the users, using the service are being treated in the right way. If this is not ensured it could result to the service users being abused, treated differently due to vulnerability. Other reasons that may result to poor treatment are: different social classes, different social statuses and many more, this may vary depending on the situation.
When talking about abuse there are different types which may be considered:
Physical Abuse- physical abuse is when service users are being physically touched in an inappropriate way, shape or form; this could differ from hitting with the hands, kicking with the feet, spitting, biting, scratching etc.…. this could be carried out by …show more content…

No matter what act is committed or the duration of the act, it will be classed as sexual assault. This can also relate to the amount of force, the length of the duration, or infrequency, which is all related to sexual assault. Those that commit the offense are called sexual abusers. Those that go through sexual abuse will show indicators that will help others to acknowledge that there is something wrong, which has caused them to shut down. Indicators of abuse are: the individual will completely shut down- which means that they are not themselves, they will constantly be scared and go into closure. This is when the individual starts to shut down: physically, emotionally, mentally and socially. It may also mean that they let themselves go, have poor hygiene, changes in behaviour, low self-esteem, social withdrawal etc.

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