
Nursing Metaparadigm: My Personal Philosophy Of Nursing

Decent Essays

Overview In this paper I will explore my personal philosophy of nursing. I believe who you are as a person and the environment you come from has a big influence on how you practice as a professional nurse. I grew up in a very family centered environment and for as long as I can remember I have been concerned with the wellbeing of others. It was very important to my parents that my siblings and I graduate from college as we would be the first generation in our family to do so; my dad quit school after the 8th grade to help support his family and my mom married immediately after graduating from high school. It took many years for me to complete my initial degree as I had family obligations to uphold, there was a waiting list to get into the Associate Degree in Nursing Program (ADN) and my need to work in order to pay for my education. I believe my past experiences have helped develop my values as a person and helps me relate to my patients in the culture in which I practice as a Registered Nurse (RN). My philosophy of nursing is focused on empowering my patients to care for themselves and their family through education, advocacy, and the opportunity to make informed choices.
Nursing Metaparadigm
Nurse …show more content…

Nursing is also more than just following physicians’ orders, we as nurses need to be educated and have the ability to provide compassionate care. Nurses often provide information and insight gained from their relationship with their patient that can have a huge impact on their plan of care and final outcome. Nurses also need to be able to educate our patients, so they can be empowered to perform their own care as necessary. As the medical field continues to evolve and focus on interdisciplinary teams, nurses need to be prepared to fulfill their responsibility to their

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