
Mob Mentality In The Ox-Bow Incident

Decent Essays

The Ox-Bow Incident delves into a very specific, yet prevalent aspect of human nature: mob mentality. When the posse is formed and the deputy joins in, he decides to “abide by decisions of the majority.” This complete submission to the demands of the crowd eliminates the presence of a real governing body, handing over the rule to the mob. This is further amplified by the amount of despair and anger over the whole situation; in these times, reason and justice seem to be far less appealing than immediate action. It is easy to succumb to this mob mentality. When one is faced head-on with an issue, they have to take sides. Society has always been in a rather polarized state when it comes to opinions. It is hard to be neutral in a world where time …show more content…

If an opinion occurs often enough, you naturally assume it as truth and carry on, usually without thinking for yourself. Ultimately, you become part of the mob. When people are part of a mob, they tend to lose self awareness. Groups tend to generate a sense of emotional excitement, which leads to the provocation of behaviors that a person would not typically engage in if alone. Take a concert for instance. It’s pretty unlikely one would stand up and cheer if they were the only one doing it; it would not feel normal. If everyone else did, of course they would too. Mob mentality makes behaviors that otherwise would not be seen as acceptable suddenly acceptable. The larger the group, the higher the loss of self awareness occurs. There is a kind of anonymity that comes with being part of a large group. Also, many people would not hold themselves accountable for violent behavior when part of a mob, because they perceive the action as the group’s doing, and thus don’t take any personal responsibility for it. With all this comes a total erasure of social inhibitions, as well as a total erasure of basic ethics and morals. These people seem to trade these things for what is supposed to be normal and

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