
Mendelian Genetics

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MENDELIAN GENETICS DEFINITION OF TERMS * Genetics – the study of heredity and variation * Heredity – the transmission of traits from one generation to another, from parents to offspring; the protoplasmic continuity between parents and offspring * Variation – any difference existing between individuals of the same species * Chromosome – rod-shaped body in the nucleus of eukaryotes and prokaryotes that contains the hereditary units or genes seen particularly during cell division * Gene – the unit or heredity occupying a particular location on the chromosome and passed on to offspring * Locus – the location of a gene on a chromosome * Diploid – the 2N number of chromosomes; twice the number of chromosomes …show more content…

When F1 offspring mature and self-pollinate some F2 offspring had white flowers 3. The traits he studied did not produce intermediate types when crossed instead, alternatives were inherited as distinct characteristics that were either seen in a particular generation 4. For each pair of traits crossed, one alternative was not expressed in the F1 hybrids, although it reappeared in some F2 individuals 5. The pairs of alternative traits examined segregated among the progeny of a particular cross, some individuals exhibiting one traits, some the other 6. Pairs of alternative traits were expressed in the F2 generation on the ratio of ¾ dominant to ¼ recessive (3:1 segregation ratio referred to as Mendelian ratio) * Mendel’s Interpretation 1. Parents do not transmit their physiological traits or form directly to their offspring, rather they transmit distinct information about the traits (factors), these factor later act in the offspring to produce the trait 2. Each parent contains two factors, which may or may not be the same (homozygous or heterozygous) 3. The two alleles, one contributed by the male and the one by the female gamete remain distinct; alleles do not blend with one another or become altered in any other way 4. When the offspring mature and produces its own gametes, these gametes include equal proportions of the

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