
Islam In West Africa Research Paper

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Between 1000 C.E. to 1750 C.E in West Africa the spread of Islam influenced several cultural, economic, and political changes and continuities. Culturally, West Africa managed to maintain their traditional ideals while also allowing for Islamic integration. The spread of Islam also helped to transform many West African cities into places to practice religion and academic studies. Economically, the spread of Islam increased world trade opportunity for West Africa, as well as allowing for trading across the Sahara Desert. Politically, Islam’s spread caused a change in which empires held power, along with provoking the creation and demise of some major empires. In the beginning of 1000 C.E. the introduction of Islam was brought to West Africa. …show more content…

Timbuktu is one of these cities that became a renowned place for Islamic religious studies. This city established its status as a place to study religion and academics during the Mali and Songhai Empires. The establishment of cities such as Timbuktu provided cities with opportunities to boost culture and economy. Because of these cities, many cultures began to flourish and economy began to prosper. A reason for the change in these cities could be because of the need for a boost in culture and economy in this …show more content…

With the help of Islamic, trading routes were expanded from primarily the Trans-Saharan to places outside of Africa such as Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Trade still continued through the Trans-Saharan, but began to expand due to the spread of Islam. Through this expansion of trade, West Africa was able to receive imports that had previously not existed to this area. Other areas that were impacted by this trade also experienced change in their societies due to the introduction of Islam. Missionaries of Islam were able to continue the spread of their religion through traveling these trade routes and expanding the Islamic Empire. The main exports of West Africa included gold, salt, and slaves. The trading of slaves through Islamic slave trade and the Trans-Atlantic continued well past 1750 C.E. Slaves were traded to myriad areas during this time. They were traded along the Trans-Atlantic and Trans-Saharan trade routes, being transferred to areas in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and South America. The business of slave trade was very profitable and allowed the blending of cultures to be established. Trade had a huge impact on societies due to the transfer of knowledge, goods, and

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