
Informative Essay On 9 / 11

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The catastrophe that happened on September 11th was disastrous; nothing quite like it had transpired before on American soil. The tragedy not only affected the lives of those whom were directly exposed, but rather that of the entire world. The consequences of this attack haunt us to this day; however, not only negative outcomes prevailed: preventative measures were put into place as a result. This act of terrorism transformed the New York City Police Department, which, before the attack, was horribly unprepared for an assail of such a magnitude. Appropriately, structural changes of the NYPD were made, and new bureaus were created. The Intelligence Division was reorganized, JFFT expanded, and creation of the Counter - Terrorism bureau were just a few of the developments that were contrived as a response. Our sense of security was taken away, and as a result changed how we operate at all levels: local, state, and federal. An attack on New York City of this degree was completely unexpected. The 1990s were generally flourishing with consideration to the economy and quality of life. “America at large was prospering in the ’90s. The United States economy grew by an average of 4 percent per year between 1992 and 1999. An average of 1.7 million jobs a year were added to the American work force, versus around 850,000 a year during this century so far. The unemployment rate dropped from nearly 8 percent in 1992 to 4 percent — that is, effectively zero — at the end of the decade. By

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