
How To Recognise The Signs Of Abuse

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How to recognise the signs of abuse. Abuse is a very sensitive subject to speak about, as we all know, it happens around the world everyday under our noses. But when it does happen and we are made aware of it, we begin to realise just how bad abuse is and can be. But what is abuse? Why does abuse happen? And how can we recognise abuse when it is taking place? Abuse is when an adult, young person or child’s civil rights are being violated against. But there is not just one type of abuse. This can be done by family, friends, service providers, colleagues and also service users. The abuse can tend to last longer than just one time, this may happen repeatedly. This is a very serious matter and should never be condoned no matter what …show more content…

Emotional/psychological abuse. Emotional/psychological abuse is a wilful infliction of mental suffering by someone who is in a position of trust towards the vulnerable adult. Emotional and psychological abuse involves: harmful threats, such as saying to a service user “If you do not come and get dressed now, I am going to punch you!” Deprivation of contact, this means when a care giver is not giving the appropriate attention to a patient in which they are entitled to. Humiliating the service user, blaming them for certain things that happen in the setting, controlling what they do or say or decide, intimidating, harassing them, verbally or physically, isolating the service user causing them feel withdrawn and making them want to be alone and not involved in group activities. This type of abuse could also make the service users to have mental illnesses, this type of abuse can play with a persons’ state of mind. The service user may rock back and forth over-thinking what has taken place, they may turn to self-harm and may start to comfort eat causing them to put weight on, it also may make them not eat at all, causing them to lose weight, the service user may turn aggressive with others’ they would not wish to be aggressive with, this is obviously not on purpose as they would not like to argue with the ones who really care, but it may be the only way that

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