
Employees Must Decide on their Own to Quit Smoking, Not under Force

Decent Essays

A place where people work must have specific rules regarding its hours and regulation. However, under no circumstances should employers decide for their employees whether they may smoke during their free time. People are capable of making decisions for themselves. In addition, enabling employers to decide for their employees about their lifestyle choices, might lead to employees having little control over their personal life. Finally, quitting smoking takes time. People adjust differently and a universal, fixed time frame for quitting smoking can lead to undesirable results for both the employer and employee. Adults are capable of making their own decisions. Progressive, significant decisions from choosing a spouse to having a child …show more content…

Enabling employers to decide for their employees how they can behave after work hours, might lead to employees having little control over their personal life. In his article for The New York Times, Jeremy W. Peters brings several examples from the recent past that show attempts on the part of employers to control their employees’ behavior outside of work:
Until the mid-1990's, the airlines enforced policies that limited how much a flight attendant could weigh. In the 1980's, Electronic Data Systems, the computer software company founded by Ross Perot, had a policy barring facial hair, and fired an employee who said that he wore a beard for religious reasons. In 1989, a company in Indiana fired an employee for drinking after work, a violation of the company's no-alcohol policy. And just last September, a company in Alabama fired a woman who drove to work with a Kerry-Edwards bumper sticker.

Peters goes on to claim that this trend of companies involving themselves in the personal lives of their workers is increasing. With companies dictating weight, personal appearance, and political speech – not to mention the smoking policy that is the subject of his article - one is left to wonder: where will it end?

People adjust differently, and a universal, fixed time frame for quitting smoking can lead to undesirable results for both the employer and employee. Employees might feel that their jobs are at risk; they might develop severe anxiety

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