
Daphnia Survival Rates

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The effect of homogenized G. semen biomass on Daphnia survival rate Generally, addition of increasing amounts of homogenized G. semen biomass (frozen and thawed out, “H” treatments) in the range of 84 – 1530 mg m-3 (corresponding to 9 – 161 g FW m-3) did not affect essentially Daphnia survival rate (Fig. 1). However, in the experimental variant with the most concentrated G. semen cell homogenate (Lake Jelino; chl-a = 3503 mg m-3, biomass = 378 g FW m-3) the survival rate of daphnids decreased to 60% after 24 h and 40% after 48 h of exposure in comparison with controls (Fig. 1). Fresh cell homogenate of G. semen collected from Lake Jelino (“FH” treatments) with chl-a range: 894 – 3576 mg m-3, caused distinct negative effect on Daphnia survival (Fig. 2.). It increased with the increasing biomass of alga and time of exposure. At lower chl-a concentrations (894 and 1778 mg m-3) the survival rate averaged 40% – 70 % after 24 h and 20 % – 30 % after 48 and 72 h of exposure. However, the addition of the most concentrated and fresh G.semen homogenized biomass (chl-a: 3576 mg m-3) caused 100% Daphnia mortality already after …show more content…

semen biomass was added to experimental chambers with Daphnia no mortality of the organisms was observed. The effect of homogenized G. semen biomass on Daphnia body length The addition of frozen and then thawed out homogenized G.semen biomass from all lakes (“H” treatments) considerably influenced daphnids body length measured after 72 h exposure (Fig. 3). At increasing homogenate concentrations (chl-a: 84 – 1530 mg m-3) body length of Daphnia was always significantly higher as compared with filtered water controls (P<0.01, Fig. 4a). When fresh G.semen homogenate (“FH” treatments) was used we also observed the slight increase of daphnids body length after 72 h exposure (Fig. 5), but it was not statistically significant (P=0.108 – 0.231, Mann-Whitney U

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