
Assessment Task For A Student 's Abilities Essay

Decent Essays

2. Assessment task review a. Suitability of items Generally, when looking at each items vertically, most of the columns start with ones which indicates that this skill was easy for the higher ability students and finish with most of zeros which demonstrates that it was difficult for the lower ability students. In between, there is a mixture of ones and zeroes breaking down in the column. This demonstrates that the items in this task are suitable to use to analyse students’ ability. However, there is an irregular pattern of 1’s and 0’s for the item 1.2. The less able students could get this skill while the more able students could not get it. This may be because these students did not have this skill. Therefore, this item is still suitable to be used to assess the student’s abilities. b. Suitability of task to determine ZPDs of the cohort assessed This task is suitable to determine the ZPD of the students. The data in the Guttman chart show that only the student 1 could be able to achieve the highest number of the items. However, this student did not achieve the last three items 2.2, 4.2 and 7.2, which means that these three items are difficult to this students in particular or to all of the students in this assessment. This assessment, therefore, can avoid the “ceiling effect” for the ZPD grouping process. Moreover, the width of the zone containing a mixture of zeros and ones in the Guttman chart are narrow. The longest width between two nearby zero and one is 4 boxes,

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