
Annotated Bibliography On Workplace Bullying

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Annotated Bibliographies
Heeman, V. (2007). Workplace Bullying: A Distinct, Interpersonal, and Communicative Phenomenon. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Communication Association.
Bullying in the workplace is the topic that Heeman has addressed and evaluated with the aid of research from additional authors. Communication plays a major role in bullying when brought into the workplace and it can continue for extensive lengths of time if not managed and handled properly. The roles of bullying are included in Heeman’s report which are the bully, the target, and the bystander. The costs on the workplace can be threatening to the staffing, productivity and the overall work environment. Percentages and research are presented proving the amount of bullying that actually takes place in the workplace. Ways to combat the bullying are introduced into the report to include understanding and taking action to stop and prevent the bullying from continuing. Heeman concludes his report by mentioning that researchers need to focus their attention on finding solutions and ways to intercept bullying to lower the statistics and ratios.
Heeman’s report is important for all individuals in the workplace. Bullying is a …show more content…

While many people have observed different work relationships and their effects on the individuals and the work environments, Omdahl has summarized and included many details about the relationships and how to avoid conflict within them. Friendships, managerial relationships and various other types of relationships within the workplace have been noted to have different approaches in handling or avoiding complications. Omdahl provides six principles for handling problems with workplace relationships. These principles range from how to set and hold expectations to seeking additional outside help when needed. The author includes several examples and research points from other

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