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May 15, 2024





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1 ACFI2003 Management Accounting Group Report on Whitehaven Coal LECTURER Mr Stuart Smith STUDENTS Alec Donnelly c3374562 Thi Hong Hai (Felicia) Nghiem c3433848 Preyaan Ray c3359495 Benjamin Standing c3405054
2 Table of Content Table of contents ........................................................................................................................... 2 1. Exclusive summary (250 words) .............................................................................................. 3 2. External Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 4 2.1. The PESTEL Analysis of the company’s macro environment .......................................... 4 2.2 The Porter's Five Forces Analysis of Whitehaven’s competitive / industry environment 6 3. Internal Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Core Competencies Evaluation using the VRIO Framework ............................................. 7 3.2 Risk analysis ............................................................................................................................ 8 4. Strategic Recommendations for Whitehaven Coal ............................................................. 10 4.1 Short- Medium Term Strategies: ........................................................................................ 10 4.2 Medium-Long Term Strategies ........................................................................................... 11 Alignment with Shareholder Value Creation: ......................................................................... 11 5 Balanced Scorecard ................................................................................................................. 12 Bibliography …………………………………………………………………………………….. 14
3 1. Executive Summary This report aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of Whitehaven Coal's external and internal environments, identifying key challenges and opportunities. Whitehaven Coal, a leading undiversified coal mining company, faces significant challenges and opportunities in its macro- environment and internal operations. Political shifts towards renewable energy and stricter regulations pose threats to its traditional coal-focused business model. Economic factors such as exchange rate fluctuations impact its revenue streams, while technological advancements offer opportunities for operational efficiency. Social and environmental considerations highlight the importance of community engagement and sustainability initiatives. Legal compliance and environmental risks further underscore the need for proactive strategies. To address these challenges and capitalize on opportunities, we recommend a strategic approach focused on short, medium, and long-term initiatives. Short-term strategies include expanding into developing Asian markets and strengthening community relations. In the medium to long term, Whitehaven Coal should consider diversifying its energy portfolio and investing in technological advancements to enhance operational efficiency and sustainability. These strategies are aligned with shareholder value creation, aiming to maximize profitability, reduce risk, and ensure long-term sustainability. Implementation will require careful consideration of regulatory requirements, market dynamics, and stakeholder engagement. In conclusion, the report highlights the challenges and opportunities facing Whitehaven Coal, along with strategic pathways to enhance competitiveness, sustainability, and shareholder value creation.
4 2. External Analysis 2.1. The PESTEL Analysis of the company’s macro environment Identify & understand the types of macro-environment trends Determine & apply the relevant facts to the framework Are the trends opportunities or threats for Whitehaven Coal explain Political: Government Policies and Regulations: shifts in regulations governing emissions standards, land use, or water management. example: transitioning to renewable energy sources to reduce carbon emissions (Rumokoy et al., 2023; Webb et al., 2020).. Australia's coal industry is facing pressure due to declining demand for coal and increasing competition from renewable energy (Webb et al., 2020).. Threat : This trend threatens Whitehaven Coal as it relies on coal mining, significantly contributing to carbon emissions. The transition to renewable energy and stricter climate policies could lead to reduced demand for coal, lower prices, and regulatory challenges for the company (Trench et al., 2014). Economic Exchange Rates : Fluctuations in exchange rates, particularly the AUD/USD exchange rate, can impact Whitehaven Coal's revenue and profitability The AUD/USD exchange rate affects Whitehaven Coal's international export competitiveness. A stronger Australian dollar than the US dollar reduces export revenues, while a weaker one increases them. Opportunity: Whitehaven Coal's exports may be more competitive with a weaker Australian dollar than the US dollar, increasing revenues and profitability. Currency hedging reduces exchange rate risks and stabilises cash flows. Threat: A stronger Australian dollar may lower Whitehaven Coal's export revenues and profitability, especially if production costs remain in Australian dollars. Currency fluctuations add uncertainty and affect financial planning. Social 1) Community Engagement and Relations: Whitehaven Coal's activities can impact local communities in terms of employment opportunities, economic development, and infrastructure. (Stakeholder Engagement and Community Investment Strategy, 2021) 2) Employment Opportunities Employment Opportunities: Mining operations can provide employment opportunities for local residents, contributing to economic development and social mobility(Coal, 2022, 2023, 2024a; Franks et al., 2010). Effective engagement with local communities is essential for maintaining positive community relations and securing social license to operate (Franks et al., 2010; O'Faircheallaigh, 2006). Whitehaven Coal should prioritize hiring from local communities, providing training and skills development programs, and fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce. 1.1 Opportunity Whitehaven Coal faces both opportunities and threats from this trend. Engaging with local residents, conducting impact assessments, and addressing community concerns can boost the company's corporate citizenship and community support. 1.2 Threat Ineffective community engagement can lead to opposition, protests, and regulatory issues, threatening the company's operations and reputation. 2.1 Opportunity Hiring locally, training, and creating a diverse and inclusive workforce can improve social cohesion, unemployment, and regional sustainability. Whitehaven Coal can improve its social licence and
5 community relations by supporting economic growth and employment. Technological Australia's coal mines are becoming larger and more efficient due to technological advancements. Automation, digitalization, and innovations in mining technologies are improving productivity and reducing costs(Coal, 2024b; Dyson, 2024). Technological advancements are enabling larger-scale and more cost- effective coal mining operations in Australia(Coal, 2020, 2023, 2024b; Webb et al., 2020). Improved efficiency and productivity in coal mining contribute to maintaining Australia's competitiveness in the global coal market(Webb et al., 2020). Opportunity: On one hand, adopting advanced technologies can enhance the company's operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve competitiveness. Threat : It also poses a threat as increased efficiency in coal mining globally could lead to oversupply, putting downward pressure on coal prices and profitability. Enviromental Increasing Focus on Climate Change and Renewable Energy:the growing urgency to address climate change, leading to increased scrutiny of coal mining and consumption. There's a global push towards transitioning to renewable energy sources to reduce carbon emissions(Baer, 2016; Webb et al., 2020). A need for significant changes in energy systems to limit global warming to 1.5°C. Australia's coal industry is facing pressure due to declining demand for coal and increasing competition from renewable energy .(Thomson, 2023) Threat: Whitehaven Coal as it relies on coal mining, which is a significant contributor to carbon emissions. The transition to renewable energy and stricter climate policies could lead to reduced demand for coal, lower prices, and regulatory challenges for the company(Coal, 2023). Legal Issues arising from License to (LTO): need to obtain specific licenses or permits from government authorities to conduct its coal mining operations. These licenses typically include environmental permits, mining leases, land use permits, and water licenses. => to create long-term value for investors Whitehaven Coal must meet many regulations to operate its mines. Environmental standards, community consultation, and safety and health regulations must be met. Multiple government agencies, indigenous stakeholders, and local communities are involved in obtaining and renewing operating licences, which can take time. (Top Mining and Metals Risks and Opportunities in 2022, n.d.) Opportunity: - Whitehaven Coal can legally conduct mining activities by obtaining and maintaining licences, adhering to regulatory standards and best practices. - Building strong relationships with regulatory authorities, indigenous communities, and other stakeholders during licence application can improve the company's social licence to operate and facilitate ongoing cooperation and support. Threat: - Licence delays or renewals can disrupt Whitehaven Coal's operations, causing project delays, higher costs, and reputational harm. - Non-compliance with licence conditions or regulatory requirements can result in fines, penalties, or mining activity suspension, threatening the
6 company's finances and future. 2.2 The Porter's Five Forces Analysis of Whitehaven’s competitive / industry environment This analysis examines Whitehaven Coal's competitive landscape using Porter's Five Forces framework (Porter, 2008). Here's a breakdown of each force with key factors influencing it: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Force Selected Factors Influencing Force Chosen Factors to Discuss Conclusion - Opportunity or Threat Threat of New Entrants Economies of scale, capital expenditure, access to distribution channels, government regulations - High upfront capital expenditure for mine development and infrastructure (T) (EY, 2023). - Stringent environmental regulations can make obtaining permits and starting new mines challenging (T) (World Bank, 2024). Threat (Low): The significant financial and regulatory hurdles create a strong barrier for new entrants (EY, 2023; World Bank, 2024). Bargaining Power of Suppliers Concentration of suppliers, availability of substitutes, switching costs - Limited number of key suppliers for specialized mining equipment and technology(International Energy Agency, 2023). - High costs and complexities associated with switching suppliers for critical equipment (T) (International Energy Agency, 2023). Threat (Moderate): While the supplier pool is limited, Whitehaven Coal's size and established relationships can offer some leverage in negotiations (T) (International Energy Agency, 2023). However, the high switching costs limit Whitehaven Coal's bargaining power to an extent. Bargaining Power of Buyers Concentration of buyers, buyer volume, information asymmetry, availability of substitutes -Relatively few large steel mills in Asia drive demand for high-quality metallurgical coal (T) (Wood Mackenzie, 2024). - These buyers have significant buying power due to their large order volumes (T) (Wood Mackenzie, 2024). Whitehaven Coal's dependence on a limited number of powerful buyers gives them significant control over pricing and contract terms (T) (Wood Mackenzie, 2024). The growing availability of substitute resources further strengthens the buyers' position. Threat of Substitutes Technological advancements in - Rapid advancements in solar, wind, and battery storage Threat (High): The increasing affordability and accessibility of
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